Are There Really Any Healthy Eating Diets?

There is no doubt that the market place is filled with countless programs that claim to be the last word in healthy eating diets. One plan may allow you to eat all of the whole grains and vegetables you want, while the next may all but eliminate them. The problem is that there is no way they can all be right, and not all of them can be wrong; this leads to confusion, and this confusion is often all the excuse people need to not try any healthy diet at all. How are you supposed to tell which ones are good or bad; and which ones should be avoided versus which ones are worth trying?

What may surprise you is that some of the most popular diets are not necessarily the most healthy. The truth is that a lot of them are based around a gimmick of some kind, and the rest of the diet relies on some basic principles found in all healthy eating diets. This creates the illusion that the gimmick makes it work, but the harsh reality is that the gimmick is often the least healthy aspect of such diets.

Still, it’s hard to convince people that a certain diet doesn’t work. There is a lot of psychology that goes along with it, but the simple explanation is that these people are invested in believing their diet of choice works, and that the gimmicky portion is the secret. However, there are many people who don’t resort to fad diets to get healthy.

Healthy food plans don’t have to rely on gimmicks. They simply rely on common sense.

Many common foods of today didn’t exist hundreds of years ago. Since then our food has changed drastically. We have plenty of overprocessed, chemical, low nutrition food that people eat daily. No wonder the American health status ranks 38th in the world. We have a much higher percentage of diabetes, auto-immunity, cancer, obesity, and endocrine disorders than we as a country did one hundred or two hundred years ago.

Over the years with the changes in processing of food, the quality of many food products has declined making it unhealthy. For example, most refined grains contain gluten which is a large protein. It is cheap to make and is put into almost all packaged food. This is over-whelming to the digestive system and immune system causing health problems. Grains also cause a large release of insulin to counter act the sugar content. More recently, the grains in the US are grown with GMO’s (genetically modified organisms). These are man-made genetically modified “foods”. Genetically modified foods create genetically modified people.
This is not good for health or weight loss.

It is best to eat as our ancestors did. This includes fresh, high quality meats without hormones and antibiotics. Organic fruits and vegetables were abundant then and should be on our plates daily.